Court Jester
Admittedly I haven’t written something formal in a while, but Bear was nice enough to let me be part of this project. In the hopes of making this something great and in some future quit my job, (please help) I will try my best to bring you guys some great pieces.
I’m shy at first, but once you get to know me, well you better buckle up. Now, take a guess on what I want to talk about first. It is important we speak about it, because that will be the core of our talks since we understand the absurdity of things. Me, Bear and Mav can’t really go 3 minutes talking without making fun of something but that’s kinda like the point? Or maybe I’m excusing our inability to remain serious for those 3 minutes. No, we are not on the devil’s lettuce we are just stupid but smart, or smart but stupid. At the end of the day comedy feels like the best way to speak about things. See, comedians (which I am not) are very smart and important.
Back in the good ol’ dark ages, the jester was actually a pretty influential dude. In fact, the court jester or fool, was one of the only individuals in the king’s court that could poke fun of the king. No, they wouldn’t get their heads chopped off or thrown down a trap door to a pit of crocodiles… They in fact where regarded as intelligent since they will poke fun and make the king reflect on past decisions and his way of reining over their kingdom. Is this true? Yes, google it. Did I do this elaborate article in order to just call you king and pander to you as a reader so you can subscribe and like our work? Maybe. The point is, I hope we get to give you more laughs (if this was even funny…) and create something great. Eventually our podcast will be up. I’m just trying to convince Mav to stop being a cheap bastard.
Vega, 06/02/2022