Evolving Ecosystem


It is Thursday May 19, 2022. My wife had an idea for a project for our little one. She wanted to create an ecosysem inside of a jar. We made our way to the local park and collected some items to create a whole new world inside of a jar. The only thing a person must collect is dirt, sticks, plants, and water. By putting these items inside an air-tight jar you can create an ecosystem.

This is not the first time we do this. I am talking about the website, not the ecosystem, we will go back to the jar in a second. Our first attempt was unsuccessful because we found ourselves ensalved to the modern lifestyle of a working adult. It became very difficult to manage a website, podcast, social media, and do the research on the topic we were trying to create content about. We decided to scrap that whole idea and start fresh. Lets take a quick detour and allow me to make an analogy. Our first project felt like a fish tank because it required a lot of maitenance. With a fish tank you have to make sure you have the proper balanced water, the proper amount of water, proper filtration, make sure you clean it, and try your best to keep the fishes alive. Obviously, a properly maintained fish tank will be a beatiful addition to a home.

Now, what we are trying to do now is more like a ecosystem inside of a jar. After putting all those items from the first paragrah inside the jar, you will have to seal it and not open it. The jar will eventually create its own life cycle within it. Photosynthesis will create oxygen which will make condensation. Some leaves and plants will die and rot and create carbon dioxide for the surviving plants to consume. The jar will be self-sustainable. Thats what we want for this new project.

We have named it Divebar Studio because we do not know what it will grow into in the future. For now it will be an outlet for me and my colleagues to share our thoughts and opinions. We hope that one day this project becomes self-sustainable and wonderful to think about. My name is Bear and I will be joined by Maverick and Vega to bring this ecosystem to life. If you want to label each one of us as dirt, plants, sticks, or water then thats up to you. For now, I hope you enjoy the content that will be produced. Don't take yourself too seriously, lets have fun and see the world from a whole different perspective.

Thanks, Bear 05/19/2022